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第91部分(第4/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 正经在人间打酱油上古卷轴:永恒之神第二世界的我们接手湖人从老詹4万分开始穿越兽世后凭借医术躺赢了我在游戏里出不去了王者:我的中路爆杀全场冷青衫新书妖魔降临?龙国十亿玩家夹道欢迎CSGO教练我想学白给我就不是主教练那个料NBA:板凳皇帝网游之无敌盾战网游:武林巅峰之路游戏降临,首杀公告刷屏全网!网游之统一全球异界领主:从建筑奇迹开始全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男游戏入侵:我的血能毒杀异界神魔S级高危人格,你管这叫小可怜?

ousekeeper and her husband were both of that decent phlegmatic order of people; to whom one may at any time safely municate a remarkable piece of news without incurring the danger of having one’s ears pierced by some shrill ejaculation; and subsequently stunned by a torrent of wordy wonderment。 Mary did look up; and she did stare at me: the ladle with which she was basting a pair of chickens roasting at the fire; did for some three minutes hang suspended in air; and for the same space of time John’s knives also had rest from the polishing process: but Mary; bending again over the roast; said only—

“Have you; Miss? Well; for sure!”

A short time after she pursued—“I seed you go out with the master; but I didn’t know you were gone to church to be wed;” and she basted away。 John; when I turned to him; was grinning from ear to ear。

“I telled Mary how it would be;” he said: “I knew what Mr。 Edward” (John was an old servant; and had known his master when he was the cadet of the house; therefore; he often gave him his Christian name)—“I knew what Mr。 Edward would do; and I was certain he would not wait long neither: and he’s done right; for aught I know。 I wish you joy; Miss!” and he politely pulled his forelock。

“Thank you; John。 Mr。 Rochester told me to give you and Mary this。” I put into his hand a five…pound note。 Without waiting to hear more; I left the kitchen。 In passing the door of that sanctum some time after; I caught the words—

“She’ll happen do better for him nor ony o’t’ grand ladies。” And again; “If she ben’t one o’ th’ handsomest; she’s noan faal and varry good…natured; and i’ his een she’s fair beautiful; onybody may see that。”

I wrote to Moor House and to Cambridge immediately; to say what I had done: fully explaining a

