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第68部分(第5/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 峡谷巅峰系统NBA:顶级天赋怪,射爆库里篮坛之魔鬼分卫网游之复仇剑士绝世道君陆羽孟竹韵绝地求生之全能战神全民领主:在异世的悄然崛起之路欢迎来到梦入璇玑我就混一混,怎么就成世界第一了人在玄幻,开局两百天赋栏全职法师:人在赛尔,召唤御三家原神:愚者零世代:FNIX机械军团柯南:我是道士,不是侦探龙与地下城:我被勇者赶出了队伍高达SEED之前进四假面骑士影月从迪迦开始穿越诸天少年歌行之系统幸运旅开局系统已坏,只好带威少拿冠军火影:封印之力

mb and still。

“All men must die;” said a voice quite close at hand; “but all are not condemned to meet a lingering and premature doom; such as yours would be if you perished here of want。”

“Who or what speaks?” I asked; terrified at the unexpected sound; and incapable now of deriving from any occurrence a hope of aid。 A form was near—what form; the pitch…dark night and my enfeebled vision prevented me from distinguishing。 With a loud long knock; the new…er appealed to the door。

“Is it you; Mr。 St。 John?” cried Hannah。

“Yes—yes; open quickly。”

“Well; how wet and cold you must be; such a wild night as it is! e in—your sisters are quite uneasy about you; and I believe there are bad folks about。 There has been a beggar…woman—I declare she is not gone yet!—laid down there。 Get up! for shame! Move off; I say!”

“Hush; Hannah! I have a word to say to the woman。 You have done your duty in excluding; now let me do mine in admitting her。 I was near; and listened to both you and her。 I think this is a peculiar case—I must at least examine into it。 Young woman; rise; and pass before me into the house。”

With difficulty I obeyed him。 Presently I stood within that clean; bright kitchen—on the very hearth—trembling; sickening; conscious of an aspect in the last degree ghastly; wild; and weather…beaten。 The two ladies; their brother; Mr。 St。 John; the old servant; were all gazing at me。

“St。 John; who is it?” I heard one ask。

“I cannot tell: I found her at the door;” was the reply。

“She does look white;” said Hannah。

“As white as clay or death;” was responded。 “She will fall: let her sit。”

And indeed my head swam: I dropped; but a chair received me。 I still possessed my senses; though just now I could not

