首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本理论优势 > 第20部分

第20部分(第4/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 游戏降临:变妹的我觉醒双S天赋网游:开局吞噬神级巨龙灵魂亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲亲老婆末日废土:第四天灾我在游戏森林靠系统求生存删号回村后,我好像变坏了网游:我一精神病有点关系怎么了地球online:我竟是NPC开局sss:我在求生海洋争物资全民转职,开局召唤半兽统领率土:这个盟主有亿些小钱神明拼图:成为诸天最强亡灵法师足球:一个普通球迷,他杀穿德甲长相思之沧海月明同心醉我这么老实,怎么可能毁副本呢?崩坏:我的青梅是梅比乌斯年代:从农村到四合院诡海求生:从先用后付到源海终主网游之神罚骑士第五人格:对囚上隐

A Framework for Analyzing the Firm/Market Boundary” Journal of Economic Beh*ior and Organization 191~212 1989�

Anderson; Erin and D*id; Schmittlein: “Integration of the Sales Force: An Empirical Examination” Read Journal of Economics 385~95; 1984�

Clarkson; Kenneth; Roger Miller; and Timothy Muris: “Liquidated Damages v� Penalties: Sense or Nonsense·” Wisconsin Law Review; 351~90; 1978

Coase; Ronald: “The Nature of the Finn” Economics N�S� 386~405 (reprinted in G�J� Stigler and K� E� Boulding; eds�; Readings in Price Theory� Homewood; III�: Richard D�Irwin; 1952) �

Coase; Ronald: “Industrial Organization: A Proposal for Research” in V� R� Fuchs; ed�; Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization� New York: National Bureau of Economic Research; 1972�

Coase; Ronald: “The Nature of the Finn: Origin; Meaning; Influence” Journal of law; Economics and Organization 3~47; 1988�

D*idson; W� H�; and Donald McFetridge: “International Technology Transactions and the Theory of the Firm” Journal of Industrial Economics 253~64; 1984�

D*idson; W� H�; and Donald McFetridge: “Key Characteristics in the Choice of International Technology Transfer Mode;” Journal of International Business Studies 5~21; 1985�

Demsetz; Harold: “The Theory of the Firm Revisited” Journal of Law; Economics and Organization 141~61; 1988�

Eccles; Robert: “The Quasilirm in the Construction Industry” Journal of Economic Beh*ior and Organization 335~57; 1981�

Gallick; Edward: Exclusive Dealing and Vertical Integration: The Effciency of Contracts in the Tuna Industry� Bureau of Economics Staff Report to the Federal Trade mission; 1984�


Gometz; Charles� “Contagion and Quarantine among Contractual Regi

