首页 > 游戏竞技 > 简爱英文版出版社及出版时间 > 第28部分

第28部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 峡谷巅峰系统NBA:顶级天赋怪,射爆库里篮坛之魔鬼分卫网游之复仇剑士绝世道君陆羽孟竹韵绝地求生之全能战神全民领主:在异世的悄然崛起之路欢迎来到梦入璇玑我就混一混,怎么就成世界第一了人在玄幻,开局两百天赋栏全职法师:人在赛尔,召唤御三家原神:愚者零世代:FNIX机械军团柯南:我是道士,不是侦探龙与地下城:我被勇者赶出了队伍高达SEED之前进四假面骑士影月从迪迦开始穿越诸天少年歌行之系统幸运旅开局系统已坏,只好带威少拿冠军火影:封印之力

as her guardian had predicted。 A dress of rose…coloured satin; very short; and as full in the skirt as it could be gathered; replaced the brown frock she had previously worn; a wreath of rosebuds circled her forehead; her feet were dressed in silk stockings and small white satin sandals。

“Est…ce que ma robe va bien?” cried she; bounding forwards; “et mes souliers? et mes bas? Tenez; je crois que je vais danser!”

And spreading out her dress; she chasséed across the room till; having reached Mr。 Rochester; she wheeled lightly round before him on tip…toe; then dropped on one knee at his feet; exclaiming—

“Monsieur; je vous remercie mille fois de votre bonté;” then rising; she added; “C’est me cela que maman faisait; n’est…ce pas; monsieur?”

“Pre…cise…ly!” was the answer; “and; ‘me cela;’ she charmed my English gold out of my British breeches’ pocket。 I have been green; too; Miss Eyre;—ay; grass green: not a more vernal tint freshens you now than once freshened me。 My Spring is gone; however; but it has left me that French floweret on my hands; which; in some moods; I would fain be rid of。 Not valuing now the root whence it sprang; having found that it was of a sort which nothing but gold dust could manure; I have but half a liking to the blossom; especially when it looks so artificial as just now。 I keep it and rear it rather on the Roman Catholic principle of expiating numerous sins; great or small; by one good work。 I’ll explain all this some day。 Good… night。”

Chapter 15

Mr。 Rochester did; on a future occasion; explain it。 It was one afternoon; when he chanced to meet me and Adèle in the grounds: and while she played with Pilot and her shuttlecock; he asked me to walk up and down a long beech avenue within sight of her。


