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第89部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 峡谷巅峰系统NBA:顶级天赋怪,射爆库里篮坛之魔鬼分卫网游之复仇剑士绝世道君陆羽孟竹韵绝地求生之全能战神全民领主:在异世的悄然崛起之路欢迎来到梦入璇玑我就混一混,怎么就成世界第一了人在玄幻,开局两百天赋栏全职法师:人在赛尔,召唤御三家原神:愚者零世代:FNIX机械军团柯南:我是道士,不是侦探龙与地下城:我被勇者赶出了队伍高达SEED之前进四假面骑士影月从迪迦开始穿越诸天少年歌行之系统幸运旅开局系统已坏,只好带威少拿冠军火影:封印之力

n my eyes to hear this avowal of his dependence; just as if a royal eagle; chained to a perch; should be forced to entreat a sparrow to bee its purveyor。 But I would not be lachrymose: I dashed off the salt drops; and busied myself with preparing breakfast。

Most of the morning was spent in the open air。 I led him out of the wet and wild wood into some cheerful fields: I described to him how brilliantly green they were; how the flowers and hedges looked refreshed; how sparklingly blue was the sky。 I sought a seat for him in a hidden and lovely spot; a dry stump of a tree; nor did I refuse to let him; when seated; place me on his knee。 Why should I; when both he and I were happier near than apart? Pilot lay beside us: all was quiet。 He broke out suddenly while clasping me in his arms—

“Cruel; cruel deserter! Oh; Jane; what did I feel when I discovered you had fled from Thornfield; and when I could nowhere find you; and; after examining your apartment; ascertained that you had taken no money; nor anything which could serve as an equivalent! A pearl necklace I had given you lay untouched in its little casket; your trunks were left corded and locked as they had been prepared for the bridal tour。 What could my darling do; I asked; left destitute and penniless? And what did she do? Let me hear now。”

Thus urged; I began the narrative of my experience for the last year。 I softened considerably what related to the three days of wandering and starvation; because to have told him all would have been to inflict unnecessary pain: the little I did say lacerated his faithful heart deeper than I wished。

I should not have left him thus; he said; without any means of making my way: I should have told him my intention。 I should have confided in him: he would nev

