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最新游戏竞技小说: 林云嫣徐简小说全本免费阅读林云嫣徐简小说全文免费阅读完整版狂武战王楚天河秦晓柔林云嫣徐简的小说全文免费阅读无弹窗林云嫣徐简全集小说阅读免费燕辞归免费阅读小说为在空岛生存,连夜钓上神级武将杨洛异界群雄争霸,我慢慢无敌大夏国九皇子夏天司马兰抗战之君临天下罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌免费阅读全文罗天蓝秀儿玄幻开局一身无敌大招免费阅读全文玄幻开局一身无敌大招小说全文免费阅读联盟之卧龙军师联盟之卧龙军师星途:风暴猎杀秦风杨如雪陈浩苏雪重生我主宰了全球经济

 was now placed on my knee; and I was cordially invited to eat the circlet of delicate pastry upon it。 Vain favour! ing; like most other favours long deferred and often wished for; too late! I could not eat the tart; and the plumage of the bird; the tints of the flowers; seemed strangely faded: I put both plate and tart away。 Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word BOOK acted as a transient stimulus; and I begged her to fetch Gulliver’s Travels from the library。 This book I had again and again perused with delight。 I considered it a narrative of facts; and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than what I found in fairy tales: for as to the elves; having sought them in vain among foxglove leaves and bells; under mushrooms and beneath the ground…ivy mantling old wall…nooks; I had at length made up my mind to the sad truth; that they were all gone out of England to some savage country where the woods were wilder and thicker; and the population more scant; whereas; Lilliput and Brobdignag being; in my creed; solid parts of the earth’s surface; I doubted not that I might one day; by taking a long voyage; see with my own eyes the little fields; houses; and trees; the diminutive people; the tiny cows; sheep; and birds of the one realm; and the corn…fields forest…high; the mighty mastiffs; the monster cats; the tower…like men and women; of the other。 Yet; when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand—when I turned over its leaves; and sought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had; till now; never failed to find—all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins; the pigmies malevolent and fearful imps; Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions。 I closed the book; which I dared no longer peruse; and put it on the table; bes

