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第23部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 网游:开局成为邪龙之子竞彩足球的进行时罗天蓝秀儿小说最新章节免费阅读罗天蓝秀儿免费阅读无弹窗九卷天书诸天无敌罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌丸子先生罗天蓝秀儿九卷天书诸天无敌最新章节在线阅读罗天蓝秀儿小说全文免费阅读九卷天书诸天无敌小说全文免费阅读NBA:爱发推特的我统治了联盟nba历史最强球员NBA:开局融合鲨鱼文班亚马拥有魔王基因的我,真没想吃软饭夏天司马兰领主争霸:亡灵天灾全民十连抽,我能看到抽奖概率御萝她拒绝封神网游:得知我的天赋,妹子们跪了生存游戏:开局给个王宝钏区块游戏

bright and dark tenanted my mind: the memories of nursery stories were there amongst other rubbish; and when they recurred; maturing youth added to them a vigour and vividness beyond what childhood could give。 As this horse approached; and as I watched for it to appear through the dusk; I remembered certain of Bessie’s tales; wherein figured a North…of…England spirit called a “Gytrash;” which; in the form of horse; mule; or large dog; haunted solitary ways; and sometimes came upon belated travellers; as this horse was now ing upon me。

It was very near; but not yet in sight; when; in addition to the tramp; tramp; I heard a rush under the hedge; and close down by the hazel stems glided a great dog; whose black and white colour made him a distinct object against the trees。 It was exactly one form of Bessie’s Gytrash—a lion…like creature with long hair and a huge head: it passed me; however; quietly enough; not staying to look up; with strange pretercanine eyes; in my face; as I half expected it would。 The horse followed;—a tall steed; and on its back a rider。 The man; the human being; broke the spell at once。 Nothing ever rode the Gytrash: it was always alone; and goblins; to my notions; though they might tenant the dumb carcasses of beasts; could scarce covet shelter in the monplace human form。 No Gytrash was this;—only a traveller taking the short cut to Millcote。 He passed; and I went on; a few steps; and I turned: a sliding sound and an exclamation of “What the deuce is to do now?” and a clattering tumble; arrested my attention。 Man and horse were down; they had slipped on the sheet of ice which glazed the causeway。 The dog came bounding back; and seeing his master in a predicament; and hearing the horse groan; barked till the evening hills echoed the sound; whi

