首页 > 游戏竞技 > 简爱英文版出版社及出版时间 > 第21部分

第21部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 原神:我在原神看手相的那些年红温AD,我收徒就能变强银河启蒙超神机械师之星界使徒NBA万界主教CSGO:载物模版!超神替补我是武球王阿拉德第一剑豪,神豪的豪!金币亿万万,我养出众神领地公路求生,开局半条命一条狗死亡亿次,我复制天赋杀穿万族!停尸道观规则怪谈:茅山后裔申请出战重生末世的种田大佬逆天萌兽:绝世妖女倾天下大师姐只是性格有点佛,又不是弱当诡异降临世界,死亡即是终点妻子背叛,我的报复太超前末世求生,开局攻略邻居太太

m? Is he liked for himself?”

“I have no cause to do otherwise than like him; and I believe he is considered a just and liberal landlord by his tenants: but he has never lived much amongst them。”

“But has he no peculiarities? What; in short; is his character?”

“Oh! his character is unimpeachable; I suppose。 He is rather peculiar; perhaps: he has travelled a great deal; and seen a great deal of the world; I should think。 I dare say he is clever; but I never had much conversation with him。”

“In what way is he peculiar?”

“I don’t know—it is not easy to describe—nothing striking; but you feel it when he speaks to you; you cannot be always sure whether he is in jest or earnest; whether he is pleased or the contrary; you don’t thoroughly understand him; in short—at least; I don’t: but it is of no consequence; he is a very good master。”

This was all the account I got from Mrs。 Fairfax of her employer and mine。 There are people who seem to have no notion of sketching a character; or observing and describing salient points; either in persons or things: the good lady evidently belonged to this class; my queries puzzled; but did not draw her out。 Mr。 Rochester was Mr。 Rochester in her eyes; a gentleman; a landed proprietor—nothing more: she inquired and searched no further; and evidently wondered at my wish to gain a more definite notion of his identity。

When we left the dining…room; she proposed to show me over the rest of the house; and I followed her upstairs and downstairs; admiring as I went; for all was well arranged and handsome。 The large front chambers I thought especially grand: and some of the third…storey rooms; though dark and low; were interesting from their air of antiquity。 The furniture once appropriated to the lower

