首页 > 游戏竞技 > 简爱英文版出版社及出版时间 > 第59部分

第59部分(第5/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 正经在人间打酱油上古卷轴:永恒之神第二世界的我们接手湖人从老詹4万分开始穿越兽世后凭借医术躺赢了我在游戏里出不去了王者:我的中路爆杀全场冷青衫新书妖魔降临?龙国十亿玩家夹道欢迎CSGO教练我想学白给我就不是主教练那个料NBA:板凳皇帝网游之无敌盾战网游:武林巅峰之路游戏降临,首杀公告刷屏全网!网游之统一全球异界领主:从建筑奇迹开始全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男游戏入侵:我的血能毒杀异界神魔S级高危人格,你管这叫小可怜?

 some strange wild animal: but it was covered with clothing; and a quantity of dark; grizzled hair; wild as a mane; hid its head and face。

“Good…morrow; Mrs。 Poole!” said Mr。 Rochester。 “How are you? and how is your charge to…day?”

“We’re tolerable; sir; I thank you;” replied Grace; lifting the boiling mess carefully on to the hob: “rather snappish; but not ‘rageous。”

A fierce cry seemed to give the lie to her favourable report: the clothed hyena rose up; and stood tall on its hind…feet。

“Ah! sir; she sees you!” exclaimed Grace: “you’d better not stay。”

“Only a few moments; Grace: you must allow me a few moments。”

“Take care then; sir!—for God’s sake; take care!”

The maniac bellowed: she parted her shaggy locks from her visage; and gazed wildly at her visitors。 I recognised well that purple face;—those bloated features。 Mrs。 Poole advanced。

“Keep out of the way;” said Mr。 Rochester; thrusting her aside: “she has no knife now; I suppose; and I’m on my guard。”

“One never knows what she has; sir: she is so cunning: it is not in mortal discretion to fathom her craft。”

“We had better leave her;” whispered Mason。

“Go to the devil!” was his brother…in…law’s remendation。

“‘Ware!” cried Grace。 The three gentlemen retreated simultaneously。 Mr。 Rochester flung me behind him: the lunatic sprang and grappled his throat viciously; and laid her teeth to his cheek: they struggled。 She was a big woman; in stature almost equalling her husband; and corpulent besides: she showed virile force in the contest—more than once she almost throttled him; athletic as he was。 He could have settled her with a well…planted blow; but he would not strike: he would only wrestle。 At last he mastered her arms; Grace Poole g

