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第48部分(第2/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: C罗求我别归化,呦西羡慕哭了战胤和海彤网友两年半,野王兄弟竟是软妹子老子就是救世主网游之乱世辉煌公路求生,我能入侵修改系统陈平耿姗姗小说我都修仙了,还要读书?篮球:在NBA修仙的日子南璃楚烁免费穿越小说沈惊觉和白小小谢台姝色王者:我玩啥,你们都说超标?鉴宝神眼:开局获得转运神通游戏降临:从单机开始逐步成神斗罗v:从捡到失忆的比比东开始卢丹妮邓佳哲末世:囤女神,系统百倍返现全球灾变:开局建设神级战车初之心盛霆烨

ease of her mother and the gloomy sequel of funeral rites。 Eliza generally took no more notice of her sister’s indolence and plaints than if no such murmuring; lounging object had been before her。 One day; however; as she put away her account…book and unfolded her embroidery; she suddenly took her up thus—

“Georgiana; a more vain and absurd animal than you was certainly never allowed to cumber the earth。 You had no right to be born; for you make no use of life。 Instead of living for; in; and with yourself; as a reasonable being ought; you seek only to fasten your feebleness on some other person’s strength: if no one can be found willing to burden her or himself with such a fat; weak; puffy; useless thing; you cry out that you are ill…treated; neglected; miserable。 Then; too; existence for you must be a scene of continual change and excitement; or else the world is a dungeon: you must be admired; you must be courted; you must be flattered—you must have music; dancing; and society—or you languish; you die away。 Have you no sense to devise a system which will make you independent of all efforts; and all wills; but your own? Take one day; share it into sections; to each section apportion its task: leave no stray unemployed quarters of an hour; ten minutes; five minutes—include all; do each piece of business in its turn with method; with rigid regularity。 The day will close almost before you are aware it has begun; and you are indebted to no one for helping you to get rid of one vacant moment: you have had to seek no one’s pany; conversation; sympathy; forbearance; you have lived; in short; as an independent being ought to do。 Take this advice: the first and last I shall offer you; then you will not want me or any one else; happen what may。 Neglect it—go on as heretof

