首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本和管理成本的边界 > 第7部分

第7部分(第3/4 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 她华国人,异世求生当然秒杀全场网王之幸村精市的小网友超厉害的怪诞世界求生:我有一辆蒸汽房车似影是婙四合院:这年轻人话不多,就是干末世武装机动车:铁人三项行动LOL:鸟巢开始横推八赛季你是说吸血鬼在名柯开深夜食堂?快穿,男主他又又又杀疯了崩铁,镜流师弟的我加入屠神组快穿之炮灰逆袭上位霍格沃茨的远古恶魔家有邪神初长成大梦归离之我命由我不由天篮球梦之挥手之间我的番茄日常修仙,全能之神是器修一班小师弟病弱幼崽?不,是世界天灾!世界第一天才神奇宝贝:神奥开始【后续】

d Weston and Sam Peltzman; eds�; Public Policy Toward Mergers; Pacific and Palisades; Calif�; 1969; pp� 139~49�

Ronald H� Coase; “The Nature of the Firm”; Economica; Nov� 1937;4; 386~405; reprinted in George J� Stigler and Kenneth E� Boulding eds�; Readings in Price Theory; Homewood; Ill�; 1952; pp� 331~51�

……; “The Problem of Social Cost”; Journal of Law and Economics; April 1960; 11; 55~66�

William Fellner; “Price and Wages under Bilateral Oligopoly”; Quarterly Journal of Economics; August 1947; 61; 503~32

J� Hirshleifer; Investment; Interest and Capital; Englewood Cliffs; N�J�; 1970�

Frank Knight; Risk; Uncertainty and Profit; New York; 1965�

Lionel McKenzie; “Ideal Output and the Interdependence of Firms”; Economic Journal; December 1951; 61; 785~803�

H�B� Malmgren; “Information; Expectations and the Theory of the Firm”; Quarterly Journal of Economics; August 1961; 75; 399~421�

James E� Meade; “External Economies and Diseconomies in a petitive Situation”; Economic Journal; March 1952; 62; 54~67�

Roy Radner; “Problems in the Theory of Markets under Uncertainty”; American Economic Review; May 1970; 60; 454~60

G� B� Richardson; Information and Investment; London; 1960�

George J� Stigler; The Organization of Industry; Homewood; Ill�; 1968�

Andrew Whinston; “Price Guides in Decentralized Organizations”; in W� W� Copper; H� J� Le*itt; and M� W� Shelly; Ⅱ; eds�; New Perspectives in Organization Research; New York;1964; pp� 405~48�

Oliver E� Williamson; Corporate Control and Business Beh*ior; Englewood Cliffs; N�J�; 1970




比较经济组织:对离散组织结构选择的分析奥利佛·威廉姆森(Oliver E� Williamson)



