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第21部分(第1/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 魂穿成为麦迪持有系统,怎么说?求生游戏之我能观察一切宝贝晚安故事大全游戏人生之传奇车神逆天废妃的反击计划!重生回到开服前,获得世界级天赋还珠之情深似海一觉醒来成了we老板外甥女人间情多足球:我成了凯恩的队友?仙医宠妻传奇之热血合击全职高手之荣耀天花板大话暗黑破坏神斗罗:黑暗律动,狩猎诸神一个都别想跑出新手村在求生游戏搞团建这个屋里人在巴黎奥运,班主任催交作业火影:纲手,跟我一起旅行吧


Gometz; Charles� “Contagion and Quarantine among Contractual Regimes: A Code in the Node” working paper; University of Virginia Law School; 1990�

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Heckman; James: “Sample Selection Bins as a Specification Error” Econometrics 153~61; 1979�

Heckman; James: “Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error with an Application to the Estimation of Labor Supply Functions” in James P� Smith; ed�; Female Labor Supply: Theory and Estimation; Princeton� N�J�: Princeton University Press; 1980�

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Klein; Benjamin: “Vertical Integration as Organizational Ownership: The Fisher Body�General Motors Relationship Revisited” Journal of Law; Economics and Organization 199~213; 1988�

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Lee; Tom; and I� P� L Png : “The Role of Installment Payments in Contracts for Services” Rand Journal of Economics 83~99; 1990�

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重生之明星养成记神秘世界的人末世之幸运儿战狼突击队飘飘欲仙 (最全两种版本)作者:狼太郎晚冬