首页 > 科幻灵异 > 上班第一天就焦虑 > 第17章 共振前端实验

第17章 共振前端实验(第3/4 页)

最新科幻灵异小说: 小人鱼觉醒木系异能,种地买星球星空联盟物语你进来,仇怨得报末世,我月丑,英灵无数预知未来:我从极寒归来末世求生之丧尸降临末世短文我在末日游戏里混的风生水起末日高塔求生路我末世修仙救命反派就在我身边全球末日求生,开局囤积万亿物资末日?不不不,这是天堂!天灾末世:我抢了无限空间冰封末世:我囤货无敌,高冷女神疯狂倒贴我就一路人甲,你们喊我神明干嘛异界奇幻路震撼!丧尸横行百年丧乱史末法我混成了茅山老祖末世游戏:首杀拿到SSS级奖励萌娃上门提亲:酆都大帝美滋滋

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Signal filtered to {filtered_signal}\")

return filtered_signal

# Amplify the signal if it's above a certain threshold

def amplify_signal(self, signal):

amplification_factor = np.random.uniform(1.5, 2.0) # Random amplification within range

amplified_signal = signal * amplification_factor

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Amplified signal to {amplified_signal}\")

return amplified_signal

# check for cell damage and initiate repair if needed

def check_and_repair(self, signal):

if signal < 0:

self.repair_mode = true

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: damaged tissue detected, initiating repair.\")

return self.perform_repair(signal)

return signal

# perform cell repair process

def perform_repair(self, signal):

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Repairing damaged cells...\")

restored_signal = np.abs(signal) + np.random.uniform(10, 20) # Restore to positive signal range

print(f\"Robot {self.id}: Repair plete. Restored signal: {restored_signal}\")

self.repair_mode = False

return restored_signal

# Simulation of the nanorobot handling neural signals

def run_experiment:

signal_values = np.random.uniform(-5, 10, 5) # Generate random signals with possible damage indicators

robot = NanoRobot(id=204)

for signal in signal_values:

print(f\"Input signal: {signal}\")

filtered_signal = robot.capture_signal(signal)

final_signal = robot.check_and_repair(filtered_signal)

print(f\"Final processed signal: {final_signal}\\")

if __name__ == \"__main__\":

run_experiment 下面的代码注释写道:纳米机器人通过检测体内的神经信号,能够对异常或受损的信号进行捕捉和分析。首先,机器人会对神经信号进行过滤,去除噪音和干扰,从而得到更精准的神经反馈。当信号强度低于设定阈值时,机器人会自动跳过放

