首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本和机会成本怎么求 > 第17部分

第17部分(第2/5 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 现代童话还散楼之幻境奇缘感谢现役之万丈荣光海岛求生,开启简易模式森林深处的星光:居某的睡前故事重生做教练:我有实况无敌舰队李鉄重生,带领曼联大杀四方原神:丘丘人,但是成为冒险家网游:无敌,从合成万物开始开局觉醒毒仙体,整个新手村炸了弹丸论破2之交织协奏曲神之舞拟真世界,我玩重甲神级游走:系统逼我打王者直播游戏唯一指定玩家做游戏的女王摆烂玩网游,赚不到钱就修仙传奇世界:映照现实,技能具现网游:我的速度赶超神明穿越异界:我的双眼能解析万物

ry of the Firm: Managerial Beh*ior; Agency Costs; and Capital Structure” Journal of Financial Economics; October 1976; 3; 305~60�

Joskow; P� L� and Klevorick; A� K�; “A Framework for Analyzing Predatory Pricing policy;” Yale Law Journal; December 1979; 89�213~70

Klein; Benjamin; “Transaction Cost Determinants of ‘Unfair’ Contractual Relations;” American Economic Review Proceedings; May 1980; 70; 356~62�

; Crawford; R�A� and Alchian; A� A�; “Vertical Integration; Appropriable Rents; and the petitive Contracting Process;” Journal of Law and Economics; October 1978; 21; 297~326�

and Leffler; K� B�; “The Role of Market Forces in Assuring Contractual Performance;” Journal of Political Economy; August 1981; 89; 615~41

Koopmans; Tjalling C�; Three Essays on the State of Economic Science; New York: McGraw�Hill; 1957�


Kreps; D*id M� and Wilson; Robert; “Reputation and Imperfect Information;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 253~79

Llewellyn; Karl M�; “What Price Contract·�An Essay in Perspective;” Yale taw Jour�nal; May1931; 40; 704~51

Macaulay; Stewart; “Non�Contractual Relations in Business;” American Sociological Review; February 1963; 28; 55~70�

Macneil; Ian R�; “The Many Futures of Contract;” University of California Law Review; May 1974; 67;691~8l6

Masten; Scott; “Transaction Costs; Institutional Choice; and the Theory of the Firm;” unpublished doctoral dissertation; University of Pennsylvania; 1982�

Milgrom; Paul and John Roberts; “Predation; Reputation; and Entry Deterrence;” Journal of Economic Theory; August 1982; 27; 280~312�

Mnookin; Robert H� and Kornhauser; “Bargaining in the Shadow of tile Law: The Case of Divorce;” Yale Law Journal; March 1979

