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第54部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 梦回黄金一代漫威之超神科技系统异境:我能召唤书中人物路过的游戏网游之激战世界末世想苟,可我开局双神天赋控卫之光漫威之重力魔我是达科米利西奇NBA最强主教异维文字游戏练武太难,我选择爆别人功力斗罗之擎天射日诸天英雄都是我编的美利坚:从每日情报开始这个巫师只想带学生网游之仙途觉醒:自带顶级功法别人听劝仿明星,你开局扮神明?三国从海岛屯田开始斗罗:在史莱克稳健变强

are twenty years of difference in your ages。 He might almost be your father。”

“No; indeed; Mrs。 Fairfax!” exclaimed I; tled; “he is nothing like my father! No one; who saw us together; would suppose it for an instant。 Mr。 Rochester looks as young; and is as young; as some men at five…and…twenty。”

“Is it really for love he is going to marry you?” she asked。

I was so hurt by her coldness and scepticism; that the tears rose to my eyes。

“I am sorry to grieve you;” pursued the widow; “but you are so young; and so little acquainted with men; I wished to put you on your guard。 It is an old saying that ‘all is not gold that glitters;’ and in this case I do fear there will be something found to be different to what either you or I expect。”

“Why?—am I a monster?” I said: “is it impossible that Mr。 Rochester should have a sincere affection for me?”

“No: you are very well; and much improved of late; and Mr。 Rochester; I daresay; is fond of you。 I have always noticed that you were a sort of pet of his。 There are times when; for your sake; I have been a little uneasy at his marked preference; and have wished to put you on your guard: but I did not like to suggest even the possibility of wrong。 I knew such an idea would shock; perhaps offend you; and you were so discreet; and so thoroughly modest and sensible; I hoped you might be trusted to protect yourself。 night I cannot tell you what I suffered when I sought all over the house; and could find you nowhere; nor the master either; and then; at twelve o’clock; saw you e in with him。”

“Well; never mind that now;” I interrupted impatiently; “it is enough that all was right。”

“I hope all will be right in the end;” she said: “but believe me; you cannot be too careful。 Try and ke

美强惨女主是我的[穿书]宝贝恶魔 第二部 by happy主说重生吧兽族世界的佣兵(圣斗士同人)凤凰计划皇上,请承吾欢