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第88部分(第5/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 篮球训练馆我是楚球王一别两宽,将军自重,妾身想独美闺蜜齐穿书!嫁糙汉!你离我也离大明:朱元璋假死,我选择登基!骑士与魔杖奇门风水大天师开局被贬为庶民,我直升陆地神仙华娱:潇洒人生抗战:我能赋予小兵词条断绝关系后,我继承了镇北王都重生了谁还混社会恋综:你惹他干嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的运气有亿点点好!君临诺丁汉LOL:一战成名,出道即巅峰网游之东幽世界网游野蛮与文明未竟的荣光天生篮球王

o the touch or I cannot live!”

He groped; I arrested his wandering hand; and prisoned it in both mine。

“Her very fingers!” he cried; “her small; slight fingers! If so there must be more of her。”

The muscular hand broke from my custody; my arm was seized; my shoulder—neck—waist—I was entwined and gathered to him。

“Is it Jane? What is it? This is her shape—this is her size—”

“And this her voice;” I added。 “She is all here: her heart; too。 God bless you; sir! I am glad to be so near you again。”

“Jane Eyre!—Jane Eyre;” was all he said。

“My dear master;” I answered; “I am Jane Eyre: I have found you out—I am e back to you。”

“In truth?—in the flesh? My living Jane?”

“You touch me; sir;—you hold me; and fast enough: I am not cold like a corpse; nor vacant like air; am I?”

“My living darling! These are certainly her limbs; and these her features; but I cannot be so blest; after all my misery。 It is a dream; such dreams as I have had at night when I have clasped her once more to my heart; as I do now; and kissed her; as thus—and felt that she loved me; and trusted that she would not leave me。”

“Which I never will; sir; from this day。”

“Never will; says the vision? But I always woke and found it an empty mockery; and I was desolate and abandoned—my life dark; lonely; hopeless—my soul athirst and forbidden to drink—my heart famished and never to be fed。 Gentle; soft dream; nestling in my arms now; you will fly; too; as your sisters have all fled before you: but kiss me before you go—embrace me; Jane。”

“There; sir—and there!”’

I pressed my lips to his once brilliant and now rayless eyes—I swept his hair from his brow; and kissed that too。 He suddenly seemed to arouse himself: the convi

