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第21部分(第1/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 梦回黄金一代漫威之超神科技系统异境:我能召唤书中人物路过的游戏网游之激战世界末世想苟,可我开局双神天赋控卫之光漫威之重力魔我是达科米利西奇NBA最强主教异维文字游戏练武太难,我选择爆别人功力斗罗之擎天射日诸天英雄都是我编的美利坚:从每日情报开始这个巫师只想带学生网游之仙途觉醒:自带顶级功法别人听劝仿明星,你开局扮神明?三国从海岛屯田开始斗罗:在史莱克稳健变强

Fortunately I had had the advantage of being taught French by a French lady; and as I had always made a point of conversing with Madame Pierrot as often as I could; and had besides; during the last seven years; learnt a portion of French by heart daily—applying myself to take pains with my accent; and imitating as closely as possible the pronunciation of my teacher; I had acquired a certain degree of readiness and correctness in the language; and was not likely to be much at a loss with Mademoiselle Adela。 She came and shook hand with me when she heard that I was her governess; and as I led her in to breakfast; I addressed some phrases to her in her own tongue: she replied briefly at first; but after we were seated at the table; and she had examined me some ten minutes with her large hazel eyes; she suddenly menced chattering fluently。

“Ah!” cried she; in French; “you speak my language as well as Mr。 Rochester does: I can talk to you as I can to him; and so can Sophie。 She will be glad: nobody here understands her: Madame Fairfax is all English。 Sophie is my nurse; she came with me over the sea in a great ship with a chimney that smoked—how it did smoke!—and I was sick; and so was Sophie; and so was Mr。 Rochester。 Mr。 Rochester lay down on a sofa in a pretty room called the salon; and Sophie and I had little beds in another place。 I nearly fell out of mine; it was like a shelf。 And Mademoiselle—what is your name?”

“Eyre—Jane Eyre。”

“Aire? Bah! I cannot say it。 Well; our ship stopped in the morning; before it was quite daylight; at a great city—a huge city; with very dark houses and all smoky; not at all like the pretty clean town I came from; and Mr。 Rochester carried me in his arms over a plank to the land; and Sophie came after; and we all got

美强惨女主是我的[穿书]宝贝恶魔 第二部 by happy主说重生吧兽族世界的佣兵(圣斗士同人)凤凰计划皇上,请承吾欢