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第7部分(第6/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 我夺舍了詹皇这次我要当球星网游之大道无形SC之胜负手网游之大道无形说好的水灵根,你批量生产神器?猎魔烹饪手册峡谷正能量超常玩家绿茵锋魔地球第一玩家说好全民求生,你来海岛度假庸者九十五号联盟之梦回s3提前两万年登陆洪荒边路天王网游:重铸万物,我名为匠神网游:从一场邂逅开始梦幻西游:万能回收

t I had struggled out into unhoped…for liberty。 Not without cause was this sentiment: Mrs。 Reed looked frightened; her work had slipped from her knee; she was lifting up her hands; rocking herself to and fro; and even twisting her face as if she would cry。

“Jane; you are under a mistake: what is the matter with you? Why do you tremble so violently? Would you like to drink some water?”

“No; Mrs。 Reed。”

“Is there anything else you wish for; Jane? I assure you; I desire to be your friend。”

“Not you。 You told Mr。 Brocklehurst I had a bad character; a deceitful disposition; and I’ll let everybody at Lowood know what you are; and what you have done。”

“Jane; you don’t understand these things: children must be corrected for their faults。”

“Deceit is not my fault!” I cried out in a savage; high voice。

“But you are passionate; Jane; that you must allow: and now return to the nursery—there’s a dear—and lie down a little。”

“I am not your dear; I cannot lie down: send me to school soon; Mrs。 Reed; for I hate to live here。”

“I will indeed send her to school soon;” murmured Mrs。 Reed sotto voce; and gathering up her ent。

I was left there alone—winner of the field。 It was the hardest battle I had fought; and the first victory I had gained: I stood awhile on the rug; where Mr。 Brocklehurst had stood; and I enjoyed my conqueror’s solitude。 First; I smiled to myself and felt elate; but this fierce pleasure subsided in me as fast as did the accelerated throb of my pulses。 A child cannot quarrel with its elders; as I had done; cannot give its furious feelings uncontrolled play; as I had given mine; without experiencing afterwards the pang of remorse and the chill of reaction。 A ridge of lighted heath; alive; glancing; dev

