首页 > 游戏竞技 > 简爱英文版朗读 > 第27部分

第27部分(第3/7 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: C罗求我别归化,呦西羡慕哭了战胤和海彤网友两年半,野王兄弟竟是软妹子老子就是救世主网游之乱世辉煌公路求生,我能入侵修改系统陈平耿姗姗小说我都修仙了,还要读书?篮球:在NBA修仙的日子南璃楚烁免费穿越小说沈惊觉和白小小谢台姝色王者:我玩啥,你们都说超标?鉴宝神眼:开局获得转运神通游戏降临:从单机开始逐步成神斗罗v:从捡到失忆的比比东开始卢丹妮邓佳哲末世:囤女神,系统百倍返现全球灾变:开局建设神级战车初之心盛霆烨

air bees you; besides; it is convenient; for it keeps those searching eyes of yours away from my physiognomy; and busies them with the worsted flowers of the rug; so puzzle on。 Young lady; I am disposed to be gregarious and municative to…night。”

With this announcement he rose from his chair; and stood; leaning his arm on the marble mantelpiece: in that attitude his shape was seen plainly as well as his face; his unusual breadth of chest; disproportionate almost to his length of limb。 I am sure most people would have thought him an ugly man; yet there was so much unconscious pride in his port; so much ease in his demeanour; such a look of plete indifference to his own external appearance; so haughty a reliance on the power of other qualities; intrinsic or adventitious; to atone for the lack of mere personal attractiveness; that; in looking at him; one inevitably shared the indifference; and; even in a blind; imperfect sense; put faith in the confidence。

“I am disposed to be gregarious and municative to…night;” he repeated; “and that is why I sent for you: the fire and the chandelier were not sufficient pany for me; nor would Pilot have been; for none of these can talk。 Adèle is a degree better; but still far below the mark; Mrs。 Fairfax ditto; you; I am persuaded; can suit me if you will: you puzzled me the first evening I invited you down here。 I have almost forgotten you since: other ideas have driven yours from my head; but to…night I am resolved to be at ease; to dismiss what importunes; and recall what pleases。 It would please me now to draw you out—to learn more of you—therefore speak。”

Instead of speaking; I smiled; and not a very placent or submissive smile either。

“Speak;” he urged。

“What about; sir?”

“Whatever you like。

