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第9部分(第1/6 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 开局点满头球天赋,世界杯C罗给我助攻神话三国之至尊帝皇天赋强到爆绿茵传奇虚空拼图业余里踢出来的国足超级后卫画渣又怎样?我靠神笔一路躺赢开局选择亡灵:我有ss级天赋DNF:求你别搞事,我们真服了穿越火影之修真者的逆袭你们的修仙太低端了联盟:哇!这选手名场面简直炸裂融练万物,我在泰拉瑞亚中杀疯了侦探再就业,从好友失踪开始主神诈骗?我可是正经游戏官方网游:敢惹他?内裤都给你偷没了神级边后卫,不训练也得金球奖我是辅助啊!怎么全是阴间英雄?地下城与天灾领主全民领主:开局神级天赋


First Boyfriend

Once upon a time; there was a little girl named Jenny。 Jenny and her family lived on a farm。 Jenny liked to play with the animals on the farm。 Her parents raised cows; chickens and pigs。 Jenny also had a brother and his name was Jason。 She liked to play with Jason also; but he was much older than her。 He preferred to play with his friends。 Since Jason was old enough to ride a bike; he was old enough to leave the farm yard。

Jason would bike over to the neighboring farms and play with other boys who were his age。

Jenny couldn’t wait until she was old enough to go to school。 She knew that she would find other girls to be friends with once she could get on the bus to go into the city for school each day。 When Jenny turned five years old; she started going to school。 She was having difficulties making friends though。 It seemed she didn’t have anything in mon with the other little girls her age。 Fortunately; Jenny came from a loving family。 Her mother and father would tuck her in each night at bedtime and each of them would give her a kiss。

They promised her that she would soon find something that she had in mon with the other girls on the bus。

One day; Jenny came home from school。 Instead of being melancholy; she was happy and excited。 Her parents asked her about it。 Jenny explained to them that she had found something that she had in mon with the other girls on the bus。 She was finally starting to make friends with them。

“What do you have 
