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第7部分(第3/4 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 亡者系统网游无限属性我能制造副本英雄联盟:我,就是版本全民求生:我那神奇的运气英雄联盟:开局一秒五刀震惊国服魔女,我真不是深海古神!野兽球王科斯塔CSGO:什么叫六边形狙击手啊国足荣耀:天才神锋的崛起庄园求生:开局抽中红色天赋月亮向我而来[王者]我的系统太懂女主了公路求生:我能无限抽取载具王者:不是哥们,你大学拿冠军?战龙上班,然后教育魔法少女汉匈:一不小心成了大唐天可汗我持刀护你[电竞]网游之天空大领主

d Weston and Sam Peltzman; eds�; Public Policy Toward Mergers; Pacific and Palisades; Calif�; 1969; pp� 139~49�

Ronald H� Coase; “The Nature of the Firm”; Economica; Nov� 1937;4; 386~405; reprinted in George J� Stigler and Kenneth E� Boulding eds�; Readings in Price Theory; Homewood; Ill�; 1952; pp� 331~51�

……; “The Problem of Social Cost”; Journal of Law and Economics; April 1960; 11; 55~66�

William Fellner; “Price and Wages under Bilateral Oligopoly”; Quarterly Journal of Economics; August 1947; 61; 503~32

J� Hirshleifer; Investment; Interest and Capital; Englewood Cliffs; N�J�; 1970�

Frank Knight; Risk; Uncertainty and Profit; New York; 1965�

Lionel McKenzie; “Ideal Output and the Interdependence of Firms”; Economic Journal; December 1951; 61; 785~803�

H�B� Malmgren; “Information; Expectations and the Theory of the Firm”; Quarterly Journal of Economics; August 1961; 75; 399~421�

James E� Meade; “External Economies and Diseconomies in a petitive Situation”; Economic Journal; March 1952; 62; 54~67�

Roy Radner; “Problems in the Theory of Markets under Uncertainty”; American Economic Review; May 1970; 60; 454~60

G� B� Richardson; Information and Investment; London; 1960�

George J� Stigler; The Organization of Industry; Homewood; Ill�; 1968�

Andrew Whinston; “Price Guides in Decentralized Organizations”; in W� W� Copper; H� J� Le*itt; and M� W� Shelly; Ⅱ; eds�; New Perspectives in Organization Research; New York;1964; pp� 405~48�

Oliver E� Williamson; Corporate Control and Business Beh*ior; Englewood Cliffs; N�J�; 1970




比较经济组织:对离散组织结构选择的分析奥利佛·威廉姆森(Oliver E� Williamson)




落跑皇妃:笑倾天下xiao成为王网王 无冕之王by风过の幽然楚留香系列画眉鸟掠夺你的心您好,我想找一份不用砍人的工作