第18部分(第3/6 页)
f Sachs was influential。 He said: ";All this gradualist stuff just doesn't work。 When it really gets out of control you've got to stop it; like a medicine。 You've got to take some radical steps; otherwise your patient is going to die。";
孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):对于能否采用一个渐进的步骤来终止恶性通货膨胀或一般的通货膨胀的问题,我们进行了大规模的讨论。在这方面,杰裴里。萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)是很有影响力的,他说:“所有这些渐进的措施都是无用的,当事情真的无法控制时,你必须制止它,像打针吃药一样,你必须采用一些激进的措施,否则你的病人便会死去。”
NARRATOR: To avoid leaks; they worked at home。 Every few days; Goni reported to the president。
GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA: We said: ";Look; boys; you've got one chance。 And remember; as Machiavelli said; 'It's all the bad news at once; the good news little by little。'"; So he said; ";Get it all done。"; Shock therapy is get it over; get it done; stop hyperinflation; and then start rebuilding your economy so you achieve growth。
孔塞洛。桑切斯。洛塞塔(Gonzalo Sanchez De Lozada):我们讲:“好吧,孩子们,你们只有一次机会,记住,正像马基雅弗利(Machiavelli)所说的那样‘坏消息总是一下子都来了,而好消息则只会一点一点地来’。”于是他说,“开始行动吧。”休克疗法就是终止这场恶性通货膨胀,重建你们的经济,使你们重新获得增长。
NARRATOR: In August 1985; Goni went public with a program called ";shock therapy。";
JUAN CARIAGA: It caught everybody by surprise。 It had great credibility。 It was a shock。
胡安。卡里加(Juan Cariaga):这使得所有人都大吃一惊。它的可信度很高。太不可思议了。
NARRATOR: Shock therapy spelled the death of dependency theory。 Government spending was slashed。 Price controls were scrapped。 Import tariffs were cut。 Government budgets were balanced。
JUAN CARIAGA: We didn't use highly sophisticated economic theory to deal with hyperinflation。 We just used very simple thing