首页 > 游戏竞技 > 交易成本和风险具体包括哪些方面 > 第27部分

第27部分(第2/3 页)

最新游戏竞技小说: 十日终焉凡尘领域穿书:炮灰他要顶不住了凰临天下:重生之谋权为后成为黑暗四天王致力于干掉四圣兽武侠网游:比武穆念慈,黄蓉急了是勇者就上1000层网游:祸乱江湖王者:月光啊,闪爆他们!热血传奇之全职业精通现代童话还散楼之幻境奇缘感谢现役之万丈荣光海岛求生,开启简易模式森林深处的星光:居某的睡前故事重生做教练:我有实况无敌舰队李鉄重生,带领曼联大杀四方原神:丘丘人,但是成为冒险家网游:无敌,从合成万物开始开局觉醒毒仙体,整个新手村炸了弹丸论破2之交织协奏曲

l Street Journal (September 25� 1974)� p� 34�

Macaulay� S� “Non�Contractual Relations in Business�” American Sociological Review; Vol�28 (1963)� p� 55~70�

Macneil; I� R� “The Many Futures of Contracts�” Southern California Law Review� Vol�47 (May 1974)� p� 691~816�

Marschak� J� “Economics of Inquiring; municating; Deciding;” The American Economic Review� Vol�58� No� 2 (May 1968); pp� 1~18�

Peacock; A� T� and Rowley� C� K� “Welfare Economics and the Public Regulation of Natural Monopolies�” Journal of Public Economics; Vol�I (1972); pp� 227~244�

Posner; R� A� “Natural Monopoly and Its Regulation�” Stanford Law Review; Vol�21 (February 1969)� pp� 548~643�

� “Cable Television: The Problem of Local Monopoly�” RAND Memorandum

RM�6309�FF; May 1970; p� 35�

� “The Appropriate Scope of Regulation in the Cable Television Industry�” The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science; Vol� 3; No� I (Spring 1972); pp� 98~129�

� “Theories of Economic Regulation�” The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science� Vol�5� No� 2 (Autumn 1974); pp� 335~358�

� “The Economic Approach to Law�” Texas Law Review; Vol�53; No� 4 (May 1975); pp� 757~782�

Scherrer; F� M� The Weapons Acquisition Process: Economic Incentives� Boston: 1964�

Stigler; G� J� The Organization of Industry� Chicago: Univ� of Chicago Press� 1968�

� “Free Riders and Collective Action: An Appendix to Theories of Economic Regulation�” The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science; Vol�5; No�2 (Autumn 1974); pp� 359~365�txt电子书分享平台


Telser; L� G� “On the Regulation of Industry: A Note�” Journal of Political Economy; Vol�77 (November/December 1969); pp� 937~952�

� “On the Regula

